I am now trying to organize KOI KLUB event which i can not remember when was the last time. I have to ask Zen for this kind of question. I can't remember.

The purpose of the event will be 'To share the feeling towards the disaster in Japan with visitors who come to the event and pray for the safety and reestablishment of country' of course we will ask for the donation but that's not the main point. To get together and share our thoughts would be the point.

One of the possible location is Japanese embassy on Hiroshima strasse in Berlin. I never imagined that would be possible till i heard that Takeshi Nishimoto was also planning to organize his music event. Then I learned 2011 is 150th anniversary year of communication between Japan and Germany so that Embassy is active to be involved in cultural events more than ordinary year.

So i went to the embassy 3 days ago to take a look at the hall, and sent the KOI KLUB plan to embassy an hour ago. I am very much thrilled with the contents that is basically all performed and prepared by volunteer. That includes poem reading, music performance and singing. I would ask each of artist to make a kind of Statement by their way towards the disaster and the people who are still in severe suffer and worries. But embassy are still hesitating to accept this kind of event due to the current situation in Japan which partially i an understand because they have to follow Japanese government's decision in the end. But I will go to embassy on Wednesday to explain why it is important to do it now and look for possibilities. But again, this is not certain.

The planned date that i am proposing to them is either one of the day from 11th, 12th and 13th of April. It will be most likely from 16:00 till 20:00. the only restriction would be that you need to bring your pass port when you enter. But it is all up to their decision next week.

I ask Julie to design flyer, I ask JUTOJO for the visual projection, I ask Kai to build oval shape stage, I ask DARUMA to offer us tea and tea sweets, I ask OKAWARI Yamane chan to offer snacks. I am asking the availability of Ceremonial Kimono for the speech I make at the beginning of the event. I am very excited. If you have any idea or want to contribute, please mail me to yoske@koiklub.de. You are very welcome.

いまKOI KLUBを実施しようとしている。最後にKOI KLUBとしてイベントをやったのはかなり昔の数年前だと思う。カールマルクスアレー36のバーでやったのが最後か?こういうのは禅さんに聞くのが一番良い。僕は思い出せない。

今回のKOI KLUBの実施目的は「ベルリン在住を中心とした日本人の音楽家、美術家によるパフォーマンスを通じて日本文化の多様性を発表すると同時に、大震災の速やかな救済と復興に向けた思いと希望を国籍を問わず来場してくれた人達と共に共有する」だ。募金も募るがそれが第一目的ではない。皆で集まって思いと考えをシェアする場所とする、が目的だ。いままで行ったKOI KLUB同様来る人の8割以上がドイツ人になると思う。






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Yoske Nishiumi

1967 Born in Tokyo.
1991 Graduated Meiji Gakuin University.
'91-'99 Worked at U.S. based product supply company in Tokyo.
2000 Left Japan for a backpack travel in 2000.
2000 Started to live in Berlin.
2002 2002 Conceived, organised and promoted Koi Klub event in Berlin which went on to take place internationally at venues: Club 11, Amsterdam (2006) and Trump Room Tokyo (2006).
2003 Started to work with Asics and Onitsuka Tiger releasing several exclusive sneakers.
2008 Attended Design Week DMY in Berlin in 2008 and “Berlin im licht” exhibition at MÄRKISCHES MUSEUM in 2008.
2009 Opened a temporary shop “Kiosk by Koi Klub” in Berlin
2010 Opened temporary shop “Spätkauf by Koi Klub” in Berlin.
Koi Klub was featured in magazines such as THEME (US), ICON (UK), DAZED AND CONFUSED (UK), CODE (NL), TOKION (JP), S2WTD (DE) and DESIGNBOOM:COM.


1967年 東京生まれ
1991年 明治学院大学卒業
91-99年 米国剃毛/洗口液製品企業勤務
2000年 低予算国外自由旅行開始
2000年 ベルリン生活開始
2002年 KOI KLUBイベントをベルリンで開始、後KOI KLUBをアムステルダム(CLUB11/2006), 東京(TRUMP ROOM/2006)で実施。
2003年 ASICS Europe B.V.と多様なプロジェクトを開始、KOIモデルスニーカーを数種類発売。
2008年 ベルリンデザインウィークDMYに参加, “Berlin im licht” 展(マルキシェズ美術館)に参加。
2009年 期間限定ショップ"KIOSK by KOI KLUB"実施。
2010年 期間限定ショップ“Spätkauf by KOI KLUB”実施。