
Her name kurumi means walnut. Very tasty nut is inside the hard shell is already something that tells about her. Some people think we are couple so that we have a very unique triangle situation with Svenja x me x Kurumi. But we have never been a couple. But it is true that I am very much depending on her positivity and ability to make things move forward without any hesitation. I can be here because Svenja and Kurumi are here. But now she got a Japanese boy friend who will move to München this year so that she decided to move there too. At one hand I am super happy that she found her own happiness, but on the other part of me keep on saying NO! don't go Kurumi!. Our life will enter the new stage when Kurumi leaves. But i will keep her desk even she leaves just in case.

Photo shows our temporary Spätkauf Kiosk shop during fashion week in Berlin in January 2010.



Beauty comes from within. Not made by Photoshop.

Judy Ongg

SlamJam X Asics 5th Dimension from Slam Jam on Vimeo.

You can see the full length version at our Family and Friends as well as the shoes itself. Right Matteo?
Family and Friendsでフルレングスバージョンと靴そのものが見れる。だよねMatteo?


TAXI Kobayashi. His real name is Takashi Kobayashi. It's got a beautiful rhyme is not the only story I can tell about him. He was one of the most influential person for me in late 80's and early 90's. Economy was extremely good back then, so it was more like a big play ground or experimental laboratory for us in Tokyo and visit newly built Museums, Galleries, Clubs and conceptual bars! and weird places trying this new stuff and that stuff and everything. And now we work together is such a beautiful thing.

TAXI Kobayashi. 彼の本当の名前は小林たかしだ。名前が美しい韻を踏んでいるって言う事だけが彼について語るべき事じゃない。彼は80年代後半から90年初頭までの間僕が最も影響を受けた人だ。当時はぶっちぎりの好景気でひっきりなしにオープンする美術館やギャラリーやクラブやコンセプチュアルなバー!を訪れて毎週のようにあれを試してこれを試して僕らにとってそれはまるで大きな遊園地と言うか実験場だった。その彼は今は写真家だ。その彼と今こうやってまた新しい形で関係が持てるのは本当に幸せだ。


This is the poster we made for "Family and Friends" which will be started to be seen on streets in Berlin from next week. Photo by Taxi Kobayashi and the design was made by Julie of JUTOJO. TAXI Kobayashi will also exhibit his "Door" photo series at our Family and Friends gallery space. Very exciting.
これが僕たちのFamily and Friendsの為に作ったポスターだ。来週からベルリン中に貼られる。写真はTAXIが。デザインはJUTOJOのJulieが作った。TAXI KobayashiはFamily and Friendsに来て彼の「門構え」シリーズの写真を展示する。相当楽しみだ。


When I started to organize Koi Klub event at a bar on Karl-Marx-Allee in Berlin, things i wanted to realize was a bit too expensive for me. I looked around and realized there is Onitsuka Tiger company in Neuss, next town to Düsseldorf. I e-mailed the plan through their web site, and almost next day i got a package full of sneakers and apparel collection to give away to my friends. That's how it all started. So without Gordon I might be doing totally different things than now.

There is a expression in Japanese "It is like dried squid". And I think that really explain who Gordon really is. Don't misunderstand, It is a very positive expression in Japanese. This is for something that takes time to know the real taste. it gets more and more tastier while you are chewing it and it is really enjoyable for a looooong time. that is exactly Gordon for me. He hook me up arrange the talk with Dyson company in Köln this time.

カールマルクスアレーのバーでKoi Klubのイベントを月一で行うようになってから、やりたい事をする為にはスポンサーが必要で色々と見てみたらオニツカタイガーがデュッセルドルフの隣町のノイスにある事を知った。彼らのウェブサイトを通じて企画書をおくってみたら、それこそ次の日にスニーカーとアパレルが詰まった箱がゴードンから送られてきた。それが全ての始まりだった。だからもしゴードンがいなかったら僕は今全く違う事をしている可能性がある。と言う事を良く考える。「するめのような」と言う表現が日本語であるけどそれはこのゴードンを表すぴったりの表現だと思う。かめばかむほど味わい深く、新たな側面を見せてくれる。ゴードンは今回ケルンにあるDysonと言う会社を紹介してくれて全てをアレンジしてくれた。
Porto Hafen Steinmännchen11111.jpg

He cycles, hikes, sings in choir, travels a lot but one of the most impressive hobby he has is this Steinmännchen. There is always something that i can be impressed. Ah, and disguising. No, it is kind of normal of him so that i am not that much impressed anymore.


Long time ago, there was a small bar called "Du rufst mich nie an - You never call me" on Lottum strasse in Berlin. You go into a dark and wet courtyard where candles are the only light, and you find a steel door in behind. You were always asked at the entrance who you know. You needed to say a name that is convincing enough to prove who you are. Kind of strange but that's how I remember how it was. Barbara Preisinger from scape. That was always the name for me where ever this kind of situation block me to enter the party or the opening. Barbara helped me this time to hook me up with Mapstation, Stefan Schneider, to use his beautiful track for our teaser video.

昔々、ベルリンのロットムストラッセという通りに「あなたは全然電話してくれない」って言うバーがあった。ろうそくが立ってるだけのその建物の中庭に入って行くと鉄扉があって、そこの覗き窓から「お前は誰の知り合いだ?」と聞かれて向こうが納得する知り合いの名前を言うといれてくれるバーだった。scapeバーバラ プライジンガー。彼女の名前はオープニングだろうが、パーティーだろうが入る時にあーだーこーだー言うやつを黙らせるマジックワードだった。いつでも。今回彼女は僕らのティーザービデオの為のサウンドトラックを提供してくれることになったMapstation aka Stefan Schneiderの事を紹介してくれた。


Many people ask me where i met Svenja for the first time. Well, we met each other in front of Apartment store in Berlin. She was wearing Kimono jacket and a Russian style fur hat. That was it. Her style was so cool so i invited to my Koi Klub event a week later, and since then we are together. It was 6 years ago. That was also exactly the time she started her own fashion label "Reality Studio". So the next collection from her will be her 12th collection. WOW! It's got a history already!

スベンニャと何処で知り合ったのかよく人にきかれる。それはベルリンのアパートメントって言うお店の前だった。彼女は羽織を羽織ってロシアスタイルの毛皮の帽子をかぶってて、それで決まりだった。次の週に行われるKoi Klubのイベントに誘って、それ以来ずっと付き合ってる。6年前。その時はちょうど彼女が自分のファッションレーベル"Reality Studio"を始めたときだった。だから次のコレクションは彼女にとって12回目のコレクションになる。そして歴史は作られて行く。


Her new collection is called "Open to Public". Color inspiration comes a lot from Monks in Tibet and Nepal. Curry, dark red and a dash of pale pink. She will organize 8 models instead of Monks, riding on bicycle going through Berlin Mitte on Wednesday July 7th. Her GOAL will be our "Family and Freinds" where Onitsuka Tiger x Reality Studio sneakers are also exhibited. It will be fun!!!

彼女の次のコレクションは"Open to public"だ。色のインスピレーションは多くチベットやネパールの僧から来ている。カレーやダークレッドや曇ったピンク。スベンニャは8人の僧の代わりにモデルを手配して自転車に乗ってもらってベルリンの町中をぐるりと回る。自転車に乗って街を回ってのファッションショウ。それが7月7日水曜日。ちょうど僕らのFamily and Friendsのオープニングだから、彼女達のゴールはOnitsuka Tiger x Reality Studioのスニーカーも展示されるFamily and Friendsになる。相当楽しくなりそう。

Grace Jones is one of her inspiration.


Music by Yoske Nishiumi and AZZURO


Kwon Kim, the man behind all the products and projects in Life Style department in ASICS and Onitsuka Tiger. I mean he is a big boss for me. Berlin born Korean-German Kwon is now based in Amsterdam with a nice apartment that has a balcony! I know Kwon since he was working at a sneaker store "Schuecity" in Berlin. I was buying sneakers from him back then. But now he is the guy who stands for the brands. Life sometime bring people to an unexpected location and position. It is still strange feeling for me to walk with him in Amsterdam city but not at WMF club in Berlin.
クウォンキム。ASICSとOnitsuka Tigerのライフスタイルユニットを取り仕切る男。つまり僕にとってのビッグボス。ベルリン生まれ韓国系ドイツ人のクウォンは今バルコニー付きのアパートに住んでアムステルダムが拠点。クウォンの事は彼がベルリンのスニーカー屋「シューシティー」でバイトで働いている時からの知り合いだから随分長い付き合い。それが今ではブランドを背負って立ち、プライベートだけでなく仕事で関係のある男。人生は思いもしなかった人に予想外の場所で再会させてくれる事がある。それでもアムスの街をクウォンと歩くのは今でも不思議。

Photo by Aoki Takamasa

I got a mail from one of my friend in Tokyo like 3 years ago, saying "Yoske san, there will be an interesting Japanese carpenter traveling through Europe. Please take care of him if he comes to Berlin. I already told him your address and telephone number". one month later this Masaki was standing in front of my apartment. He stayed at my apartment for sometime until he settles down in Berlin and finds his own apartment. He is a very talented guy who actually acted as a main designer and carpenter to make famous bar/event space called TRUMP room in Shibuya Tokyo. And he is a very good cook too. He will help us building up our Family and Freinds space.

ある日東京の知り合いから「洋介さん面白い大工さんがヨーロッパを旅してるんですけどもし彼がベルリンへ行ったらよろしくしてあげてください」ってメールが来たその1ヶ月後くらいにこのまさきがうちの玄関にたってた。それ以来彼がベルリンに腰を落ち着けるまでの間うちのアパートメントに滞在してた。彼が渋谷のTRUMPルームをデザインして内装を作り上げた中心メンバーだ。そして彼はひじょーにおいしい料理を作る。まさきはFamily and Friendsの内装を作るのを手伝ってくれる。

This is how Masaki and Yuki buit our Kiosk installation last summer. It was made out of various drawers we found in Berlin. The guy you can count on.


Yoske Nishiumi

1967 Born in Tokyo.
1991 Graduated Meiji Gakuin University.
'91-'99 Worked at U.S. based product supply company in Tokyo.
2000 Left Japan for a backpack travel in 2000.
2000 Started to live in Berlin.
2002 2002 Conceived, organised and promoted Koi Klub event in Berlin which went on to take place internationally at venues: Club 11, Amsterdam (2006) and Trump Room Tokyo (2006).
2003 Started to work with Asics and Onitsuka Tiger releasing several exclusive sneakers.
2008 Attended Design Week DMY in Berlin in 2008 and “Berlin im licht” exhibition at MÄRKISCHES MUSEUM in 2008.
2009 Opened a temporary shop “Kiosk by Koi Klub” in Berlin
2010 Opened temporary shop “Spätkauf by Koi Klub” in Berlin.
Koi Klub was featured in magazines such as THEME (US), ICON (UK), DAZED AND CONFUSED (UK), CODE (NL), TOKION (JP), S2WTD (DE) and DESIGNBOOM:COM.


1967年 東京生まれ
1991年 明治学院大学卒業
91-99年 米国剃毛/洗口液製品企業勤務
2000年 低予算国外自由旅行開始
2000年 ベルリン生活開始
2002年 KOI KLUBイベントをベルリンで開始、後KOI KLUBをアムステルダム(CLUB11/2006), 東京(TRUMP ROOM/2006)で実施。
2003年 ASICS Europe B.V.と多様なプロジェクトを開始、KOIモデルスニーカーを数種類発売。
2008年 ベルリンデザインウィークDMYに参加, “Berlin im licht” 展(マルキシェズ美術館)に参加。
2009年 期間限定ショップ"KIOSK by KOI KLUB"実施。
2010年 期間限定ショップ“Spätkauf by KOI KLUB”実施。


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